For this assignment I used to pick at least three images of North Carolina and to create an IAB film-strip size advertising.
I tried to apply all my advanced skills to combine different photos to create advertising collage for Raleigh visitors.
I selected gorgeous parkway and used mountains for the background to attract visitors.
Next photo I picked up is Biltmore
because it has great lawn and I needed grass for capitol building’s front yard.
Third images was the center peace of my banner- Capitol building
because it is advertising for Raleigh Explorer Tour.
Then, I decided to add air balloon image
to give visitors an idea, that there is another great things to do in NC, as example: balloon festival.
For the whole collage, I applied photo filters such as: Hue/Saturation, contrast trying to make natural looking picture in one style, avoid different tones. Unfortunately, green grass became more radish color.
The main technique I used is adding vector masks for layers, to delete unnecessary elements and combine photos in one picture. Also I used blur element to smooth merging lanes for more organic looking view.
For small details, I design Welcome to North Carolina text by clipping mask of sky from this photo